Get the code of Kawagoe-city and related history of changes
Query for getting the code of Kawagoe-city and related history of changes.
PREFIX rdfs:<> PREFIX org:<> PREFIX dcterms:<> PREFIX sac:<> select * where { ?s rdfs:label "Kawagoe-shi"@en ; org:resultedFrom / dcterms:description ?rfc . FILTER(LANG(?rfc)='en') } ORDER BY DESC(?s)
Get the Japanese population of Sinjuku-ward
Query for getting the Japanese population of Sinjuku-ward.
PREFIX rdfs:<> PREFIX sdmx-dimension:<> PREFIX estat-measure:<> PREFIX cd-dimension:<> PREFIX cd-code:<> PREFIX g00200521-dimension-2010:<> PREFIX g00200521-code-2010:<> select ?year ?population where { ?s estat-measure:population ?population; sdmx-dimension:refArea / rdfs:label "Shinjuku-ku"@en ; cd-dimension:timePeriod ?year ; cd-dimension:sex cd-code:sex-all ; cd-dimension:nationality cd-code:nationality-japan ; g00200521-dimension-2010:area g00200521-code-2010:area-all ; cd-dimension:age cd-code:age-all . }
Get the year when statistical table of population census provides
Query for getting the year when statistical table (dataset d0003041389) which concerns population of population census.
select distinct ?o where { ?s <> <> ; <> ?o . }
Get the cube model (measure, dimension and attribute) of dataset d0003041389
Query for getting the cube model (measure, dimension and attribute) of dataset d0003041389.
PREFIX qb:<> select distinct ?s where { <> qb:component ?y. {?y qb:dimension ?s.} UNION {?y qb:measure ?s.} UNION {?y qb:attribute ?s.} }
Get the small area by specifying longitude and latitude
Query to get the small area including the point at east longitude 139.48 and north latitude 35.92.
PREFIX rdfs:<> PREFIX dcterms:<> PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX ogcf: <> select ?municipality ?area where { ?s <> ?polygon ; rdfs:label ?area ; dcterms:isPartOf / rdfs:label ?municipality . ?polygon geo:asWKT ?geom . FILTER (ogcf:sfContains(?geom, "POINT(139.48 35.92)"^^geo:wktLiteral)) . FILTER (LANG(?municipality)='ja') . }