メタデータ名 世帯年齢区分(6歳未満・12歳未満・15歳未満・18歳未満・20歳未満世帯員のいる世帯)、家族類型、世帯人員別一般世帯数-都道府県、市区町村別
Private households by family type of household and size of household and presence of household members under 6 years of age, under 12 years of age, under 15 years of age, under 18 years of age and under 20 years of age - prefectures, municipalities
Private households by family type of household and size of household and presence of household members under 6 years of age, under 12 years of age, under 15 years of age, under 18 years of age and under 20 years of age - prefectures, municipalities @en
世帯年齢区分(6歳未満・12歳未満・15歳未満・18歳未満・20歳未満世帯員のいる世帯)、家族類型、世帯人員別一般世帯数-都道府県、市区町村別 @ja
Private households by family type of household and size of household and presence of household members under 6 years of age, under 12 years of age, under 15 years of age, under 18 years of age and under 20 years of age - prefectures, municipalities